Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy v-lated vday lol!!! im so upset i couldnt make it to the grove art fair...but theres one going on next sturday so that would be totally cool!!!! Dude if u live in the miami area then u TOTALLY have check this outttt

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Okay... so I am well aware i have a busy schedule. And school is my number 1 priority, grades specifically. So one might wonder... y in the hell is this girl taking on service learning, interning for her teacher, looking for babysitting gigs, joining clubs and volunteering? Actually, I don't know I HAVE NO IDEA! But one thing is that I must find some sort of balance and organization to my life :) and I might be in my way to do just that. I am extremely blessed by all the opportunities given to me.. I recently turned 19 years old, and I guess I have matured and I am looking at life from a new perspective. I hope all goes well with my crazy schedule and lifr
Wish me luck!